Who am I?
Just another human being…
Hey there and welcome to my personal website! I’m an actor, writer, director, musician, magician, and occasional public speaker. I spend a lot of time thinking about the world and how we got to where we are today. On this site, I write some of those ideas down to see if you all like what I have to say.
I love to read your comments, questions, and feedback in order for me to improve my site and also learn from all of you on how you’d like to see our world.
If there’s anything you want me to know about you, if you’d like to just drop me a line to say hi, or you want me to help you solve some difficult life problem, just send me a message below! I read everything you send, even if I don’t always have the time to reply to you directly.
I wish you all the best in your endeavors as you go through your life. Remember, you’re not going through life alone. I will always be there for you, even if you feel like there’s no one else listening to your prayers.
Good luck, and may God bless you always.