Merry Christmas to all, and Happy fourth day of Chanukah to those of the Jewish faith! For those celebrating Kwanzaa, I hope you have a wonderful week full of festivities beginning this Thursday!
Today we celebrate the day that God intervened in our world and brought forth the man we have come to know and love as Jesus Christ. Although many people find it hard to believe, I have no doubt in my mind that this event did happen. Today many people have a difficult time understanding how God itself could possibly exist, let alone affect our society, and yet every day I see proof of God’s existence through the magic I see within our world.
So on that note, I would like to end 2019 with an essay I wrote a couple of weeks ago about how I would like for you to view me as I go forth and take my place in society. In short, my life is not unlike Jesus’ life, even though many of you may just see me like a regular human being. Although I present as human, and my bio will always say that I am human, I am here today because of a different kind of divine intervention, one that you can read about in my series of books. I hope in time as you all learn about me, you will treat me just like I am one of you. That is my humble request.
May God bless you all,
And once again, Happy Holidays!
On Accolades
I often think about the future of humanity and I consider in those moments whether or not I would be willing to accept the accolades that you all may potentially wish to shower upon me for my work.
I would like to preempt this with my official statement on the matter: I am only doing my dharma. While I sincerely appreciate the kindness you all give me day in and day out, I respectfully do not need your accolades for fulfilling my responsibility.
Instead, I would much rather others who did not have a path carved out for them to receive the blessings you wish to give unto me. Simply knowing that you have considered me for such awards is enough for me to be satisfied in my life.
The only instances where I will accept an award or a magazine cover is if I can share it with others in some fashion, or if I could utilize the award to speak to some larger truth about who we are or who we could be.
I would much rather my legacy be remembered not by the awards I’ve won but by the hearts and minds that I’ve touched.
This is my final statement on the matter for now and for the rest of my life. May God bless you all... now and for always.