Attached are two essays I wrote on how you could, in theory, create your own perfect child. Although perfection does not exist in actuality, at the very least if you follow the ideas below, you could potentially minimize the hardships your child goes through within their life.
Please feel free to ask questions about my papers and do let me know how you feel about what I’ve written.
Written on Monday, August 5, 2019
The penis and brain are interrelated.
Both require blood flow, however the ability of an individual to have peak sexual performance relies on the individual’s ability to redirect blood flow to their sexual organs, while also maintaining a deep mental connection with their partner. In this way, children are born when the mental connection between two hyper-connected individuals are in complete harmony with one another. Think of this process as a musical duet. If the song is beautiful, strong, and powerful, the child will be built in the same way.
However, if this song is not in harmony, if the individuals either are not mentally synchronized, or worse, are biologically inept, then the song will not produce music.
As it is with all great compositions, there is no right time for the song to manifest itself. All one can do is to keep the song going and…
Pay, pray, or play… for the best.
The dominant life force at the time of coitus will determine the biological gender of the child. For instance, if the man, born in December, has coitus with his life partner in July, the child will be born in April as a boy because the man’s astrological sign is dominant in that month.
On the flip side, that same man, married to a woman born on November 1, will conceive a girl child in February, when that woman, shot by Cupid’s arrow, has her own sign under control.
Although this information could drastically improve your chances of having a child of a particular gender, the child that you produce will also be subject to the environmental factors at the time of conception. The future of humanity will depend on how we are able to maintain environments that are harmonious with our spiritual and mental health.